Khairpediawill be explain some problems many English learners face ad ways to improve learnings English
that are simple and can be fun at the same time. Vocabulary is
important when learning a language. Any language, of course including
English, has thousands and thousands of words. In many cases, even those
native speakers of the language do not know all the words of that
language. there are just too many to learn. In fact, according to many
sources I have come across, there are only 800 words that you must know
to converse in English.
That list is too long to display here, but a good start is to read
through that list and see how many words you know. You may surprise
yourself in the amount of words you are familiar with. I have posted the
list on World English club, and you can go over it there.
Once a week, make a list of twenty five words using the World English Club Vocab lists, or choose words from other popular websites. As you are compiling (or making) your list, make sure to write down the definitions if you are unsure of them at the time. Do your best to study and learn these new words. Now break the list down into five words a day. On your first day, study your first five words. On your second day, study your next five words. Now here's the trick; after your second day of your five vocab words, try to write down yesterday's words. On your third day, study day three's words, and then try to remember and write down day two's vocab words.
People assume that learning grammar in a classroom or studying vocabulary words will help them speak a English as a language. But those factors only gain you knowledge of the English language and cannot translate into real conversational English skills. Reading out loud will let you hear your English and at the same time, help you gain more confidence in speaking English. It does not have to be for a very long time. But you should read out loud for at least five minutes a day.
Do not give up on this. I think this is an important method to practice and not enough people practice in this manner. Make sure you are pronouncing your words, and if you have to read slowly, that's OK as well. The point is that you are speaking out loud and practicing speaking English. Since many English learners do not have the opportunity to interact with native English speakers, this is one of the best methods to help improve your English speaking skills.
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