![[EF COC] Understanding The Past, Analysing The Present, Predicting The Future](https://dl.kaskus.id/tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.F1E83_QQEmJd5PEqAj1EtwHaFj&w=146&h=110&c=7&o=5&dpr=15&pid=1.7)
Are you reading this thread or just taking a look?
I hope you are doing option one
Spoiler for Intro:
Spoiler for video resolution chart:
Speaking about resolution, i think we agree it's all about future. I
have read their thread who particaptes in this competition. I wonder why
they do not add "will" or "going to be" in their resolution. My best
guessing is their expectations are able to achieve that's why they are
so confident to gain them.
For me .. resolution is like a higher target i never achieved before. So
i do not want to feel bad when my expectation is not synced with
reality. Therefore, i will add "going to be" rather than "will". Because
they are different, you know. I plan something i want to do in the
future. It's not only "a will".
But, before writing my resolution here that you are waiting for .. (LOL)
.. i want you to know why this resolution is matter for me. For that
case, you will find the past of mine. I hope you easily understand it.
Understanding The Past
![[EF COC] Understanding The Past, Analysing The Present, Predicting The Future](https://dl.kaskus.id/tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.N0gah1b8vrl_8-7wYULiwAHaE9&w=146&h=97&c=7&o=5&dpr=15&pid=1.7)
I want to tell you .. there is a boy .. he got cum laude at college ..
in his present life .. he get paid more than enough that he can spend ..
i see he works so hard .. and if he does carry on this way .. he would
be able to get a higher position at his office or company or work ..
that is my prediction about his future.
But not like math formula .. if you add one to one .. the sum is two. My
prediction of his future can be wrong even the input is the same. This
is the reason i use word "prediction" .. not "output".
I grew up in new order regime. I still remember the condition of this
state at that time. That is my past you need to understand.
Well .. let us move to my present time and what i want to write about it.
Analysing The Present
![[EF COC] Understanding The Past, Analysing The Present, Predicting The Future](https://dl.kaskus.id/tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Uq3ubu8oHWL5JKCMSzNBsAHaEK&w=146&h=82&c=7&o=5&dpr=15&pid=1.7)
Where do you live? What are you up to? How is the weather? What do you think about your society? Do you live a good life?
I have the answer of each question. But i think you do not want to hear them. So i would not write the answers here.
I read news. I read opinions of experts. I read comments of netizen. I
read bad news. I read fake bad news. I do not like it. I am not a kind
of person that it fits.
Then some questions come from my mind. I have the answers. The problem
.. each question has many answers. It's like multiple choice that you
can find in school exam. Well .. if there's only one right answer .. so i
would be afraid of not taking it. This is the problem i have to solve
as soon as possible. Finding the solution of this .. is one of my
What if i couldn't find it? What would happen to me in the future?
Predicting The Future
Did you see the previous image? Did you see "meroket" or elon musk?
There are many charts up there like you can see in the picture.
Ascending and Descending. Population is increasing. Food source is
decreasing. World economy is going to chaos. Again. The information
center has data. Some people build bunkers. Some people go to mars.
I see X problem in the future. It can affect many aspects of my life, such as:
a. society
b. financial
c. identity
So i'm going to do something to solve this problem. When i said something .. it means i got a list. Here we go:
a. practice self-defense better
b. join a political community
c. campaign a survivalist life
d. take more partnership in business
okay .. let me describe them one by one
》practice self-defense better《
i want to practice shooting and archery for close quarter combat. i want
to practice how to use weapon like big knife and small axe. I also want
to practice new martial art to defend myself in hand-to-hand combat.
》join a political community《
political community can be non government organisation which focuses on
public policy. it can be political party. or maybe an informal group
which is interested in discussing about politic.
》campaign a survivalist life 《
i want other people also take attention how to live in emergency
situation. because it's very useful when we face primitive condition.
like a time we face disaster. we cannot find matches, no electricity,
not enough bed to sleep, etc. i want people also to notice that there
are some useful tools they can buy to support this condition, such as
pocket knife or tactical bow (sas' product) to hunt down animal in
forest. do you know what you want to build first if your plane get
crashed and you land in the middle of the jungle? i suggest you to see
primitive technology channel on youtube.
》take more partnership in business 《
i want my business still survive in the next year. but to do so, i need
to see the upcoming threat for my business. in this year, there are some
extremely bad changes which affected my business. so i couldn't gain
much advantages from this situation. then i learn from this mistake. it
leads me to one conclusion. together we strong. yes, take more
partnership in business.
That list is my resolutions. Even the result is bad .. i do "die trying". So i cannot regret it in the future.
Spoiler for source:
bing image (fyi: it's microsoft), my mind that comes from the
accumulated what i saw (including text or book from another person,
video of youtube channel) and what i heard (including recorded and live
speech like radio or direct conversation) in the last five years
Spoiler for in memory of:
this thread is dedicated to those who has fallen:
ghostales (ancient greek thinker)
ghostacus (spartan warrior)
ghostimus (roman general)
ghostantine (byzantine emperor)
ghostreich (dutch scientist)
ghostelliano (italian artist)
ghostanaka (japanese spy)
ghostianzou (chinese entrepreneur)
ghostarto (javanese politician)
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